At the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, all of my in-person courses for the semester got switched to online, with the most difficult transition being MAT220 (Calculus). My grade was a very low "B" but on a steady decline towards a “C” right before spring break. During spring break, my classmates and I started receiving district emails and news reports about a deadly health crisis spreading around the globe.
On the final day of spring break, I received an email saying that spring break would be extended for another week so teachers could transition all courses into an online mode. I had taken some compressed online courses in the past; however, this was going to be my very first online math course.
I was extremely nervous about the transition and multiple questions were running through my head such as: how would I learn calculus through an online format, how would the class complete exams, will the professor be available to answer content questions, will course specific tutoring that normally occurred in- person still be available, and what format would be used to finish the course?