Nutra Pure Quick Start Guide



The Nutra Pure HCG Diet is based on the use of our unique formulation of homeopathic HCG combined with a low calorie diet. This Quick Start Guide will enable you to understand the diet protocol in just a few minutes. If you are interested in a detailed discussion of the diet and a variety of recipes, our HCG-related eBooks will assist you. Click here to go to the “Order Now” Page.

Only certain foods are allowed on the diet and these include lean meats (protein), fruit, and vegetables. There are 3 phases in the diet which include the loading phase (Phase 1), a low calorie diet (Phase 2), and a maintenance diet (Phase 3). The easy-to-follow dosage instructions and diet guidelines are described next:

Directions & Dosage

Take 10 drops of Nutra Pure HCG 3 times daily. These drops should be placed under your tongue. Allow the drops to dissolve there; no swallowing. The drops will dissolve easily within 30-60 seconds. The first dose of HCG drops need to be taken when you first wake up in the morning, then take the second dose during lunch, and finish with the third dose just before dinner.

If you find yourself becoming hungry before your next meal or getting tired later in the day, additional HCG drops will help. The additional HCG will metabolize additional fat creating the energy needed to keep you going. Also, you will lose weight faster due to this increased fat burn. A full dose of HCG can be taken up to 6 times daily.

Phase I: HCG Loading

For the first three days you will load up on Nutra Pure HCG. You can eat whatever you like during this time period. We suggest eating a balanced healthy diet; however, many people like to enjoy these 3 days eating snacks & sweets. This loading period allows HCG to accumulate in your body; then on the fourth day when reducing your caloric intake, your body will respond by starting to consume fat.


Phase 2: Weight Loss

On the fourth day of the HCG diet after loading for three days, it’s suggested that you take in only 500 calories of food each day. Drink only no calorie liquids (coffee, tea, or water) at breakfast and then eat a healthy lunch and dinner. This causes most people to lose a pound or more per day. If you only need to lose 10-12 pounds, you can increase the diet to 1000 calories per day while using the product for about 25 days. Using the product for the full 6 week regimen at 500 calories per day will allow you to lose between 25 to 30 pounds.

Breakfast: Any non-caloric or low calorie fluids in any amount are recommended - The more hydrated you are, the better. This could be coffee without sugar (though non-sugar sweeteners are allowed) and a tablespoon of milk or dairy-free milk. No fruit juices are permitted because they contain too much sugar.

Lunch and Dinner: Lunch and dinner are to be eaten every day. Each meal consists of 3.5-4 oz. of some type of lean protein along with enough vegetables and fruit to total 250 calories. You may want to keep a journal of the food you ingest during each meal in order to keep an accurate log of your diet. Below is a list of foods that meet the calorie requirements:

Protein Foods: A maximum of 3.5 - 4 oz. per meal

The HCG diet requires all fat to be removed from the meat before cooking and that each portion of protein be weighed raw. Do not cook the meat in any fat which includes butter, and most oils. Eat different proteins at lunch and dinner. It’s important to give your body a variety of proteins.

  • Lean steak or skinless chicken breasts are great, but ground beef is not allowed. Opt for lean ground turkey instead.
  • All vegetable based proteins are allowed such as kidney beans, white beans, soy beans, black beans, etc
  • Fresh fish including crab, scallops, tuna, red snapper, tilapia, swordfish, halibut, bass, flounder, shrimp & lobster.
  • Salmon can be eaten occasionally. Smoked, dried, or pickled seafood is not allowed.
  • 1 Boiled egg or substitute 3 boiled egg whites if desired.

Fresh Vegetables: A minimum of 3.5 oz. per meal

There is only one choice of vegetable per meal in addition to the proteins.

  • Spinach and other dark leafy greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, kale, onions, radishes, asparagus, Swiss chard, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, zucchini
  • Peas, and corn can be eaten occasionally
  • Stay away from starches & high sugar content such as: potato, sweet potato pumpkin, or carrots

Fruit: 2 servings per day (Can be part of your 2 meals)

  • Apples, pears, strawberries (approx. 15), blackberries, nectarines, ½ grapefruit
  • No melons or bananas allowed on the HCG diet.

Fluids: 8-10 glasses of water per day at a minimum

  • Water (no artificial or natural flavors)
  • Tea or coffee (no sugar allowed)
  • Mineral water club soda
  • 2 - 12 oz. diet sodas max.
  • Sugar free lemonade
  • 1 tablespoon of 2% milk per day (for your coffee)


  • No margarine, butter, or oil
  • Most salad dressings are off-limits
  • Balsamic or Raspberry Vinaigrette salad dressings allowed
  • Read all food labels for content of sugar, corn syrup, fructose, etc. None of these Sugars are permitted! Only take artificial sweeteners occasionally
  • You may use any of these seasonings in any proportion for additional flavor: Salt (Kosher or Sea Salt preferred), pepper, vinegar (including Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and Balsamic), mustard powder, onion powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, oregano, marjoram, and more
  • 1 lemon juiced per day

Several credible internet sites provide a list of the calorie amounts for the food you eat on the HCG diet. The Calorie Counter website ( is an exceptional resource to utilize. Don’t forget to keep a journal of the food you eat during each meal of lunch and dinner. Stay Hydrated!

Phase 3:Maintenance

After you have used Nutra Pure HCG with a low calorie diet for the recommended 6-week regimen, you must discontinue the HCG diet. You may notice that your appetite has dwindled quite a bit. This is a great indicator that you have “reset your appetite” and eliminated your cravings for unhealthy foods. The first few weeks after stopping Nutra Pure HCG, all foods are allowed except starches and sugars. If you overeat, you will see your weight increase rather quickly. If you notice this happening, scale back on what you’re eating and make sure you’re taking in healthy food including lean proteins and lots of vegetables and fruit. After a few weeks, slowly add small amounts of healthy starches and sugar (like raw coconut sugar) back into your diet. Monitor your weight with weekly morning weigh-ins to make sure you’re staying on-course. Don’t let yourself go and negate all the hard work spent in achieving your weight loss. Stay motivated and positive!

At the end of the 6-8 weeks stop using Nutra Pure HCG; you may start again after a one month maintenance period. Nutra Pure HCG Diet should only be used for 6 weeks at a time because dramatic weight loss should always be followed by an extended period of normal eating for best health. You can safely continue this cycle as many times as you need to until you reach your weight loss goals. Brisk physical activity 3 times per week and eating healthy will help you achieve a healthy lifestyle so you can look and feel your best!

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