How Homeopathic HCG drops are different from Hormone?
This is a question we have had for years. The fact is that HCG drops do not contain the HCG hormone, only prescription HCG contains the actual HCG hormone. We had had numerous discussions over the years with Doctors as well as customers as to the benefit of using the HCG drops over the hormone.

Real hCG (Prescription hCG) is Extracted from the Urine
The first thing and probably the most important difference between the two is safety. Real HCG (prescription HCG) is extracted from the urine of pregnant women and animals. We have always had a concern with this and later found out that several companies throughout the US were purchasing the HCG hormone from Asia- where it is produced in less than sanitary conditions and definitely not to the standards that we would expect or require of a product we sell.
Homeopathic hCG Contains No Hormone
The Homeopathic version that we sell- contains no hormone. We have found a way through new technology to develop the Energy Pattern of HCG and copy it onto a neutral base (Colloidal Mineral Water). This exact formula has been used by our customers for more than 15 years without incident. We are one of the only HCG companies on the market to utilize this technology and have perfected it over the past decade and a half to ensure the maximum weight loss results for our customers.
ALSO READ : Why Homeopathic hCG is Better Than Organic hCG
Real hCG is a Prescription Supplement
Real HCG can only be prescribed by a physician and this is usually a fairly expensive process done through a weight loss clinic. We have found the average costs for this to be between $1500 and $3000 with virtually the same results as our product. Your body will recognize either product the same way to trigger the burning of stored fat.
In both cases you will need to follow the HCG protocol as outlined in Dr. Simeons manuscript (free with every order).

A Note on Homeopathy and Dilution Theory
World is full of surprises and contrasts, but if you go by the evidences then the formation and existence of our universe is based on many such phenomena that are hard to believe and barely predictable! Based on the power of nature, we humans have developed various theories that are difficult to believe, however they exist! Amongst many such theories, there is one theory that is still finding mixed reviews and that is “Homeopathy Dilution Theory”.
Homeopathy is popularly accepted as an alternate medicine in many parts of the world. Based on the success rate, ease of ingestion, and no side-effects, this stream of medical sciences is being accepted as treatment for a wide range of ailments occurring in all the age groups.
ALSO READ : Know More About hCG Drops Vs hCG Pills
Homeopathy are based on dilution theory that is founded on the principle – More the dilution of mother tincture, higher the potency of resultant liquid. This is contradictory to the general principle of dilution, which says that more dilution of the original liquid results in lower potency of the solution. This contradiction makes many mainstream medical professionals question this age old dilution theory.
On the other hand, homeopathy believes in water memory. According to this, water retains the imprints of the substance mixed in it. As recorded, Samuel Hahnemann developed homeopathy about two centuries ago. It was then found that the homeopathic medicines not only worked in desired manner even after dilution, but in fact the results were even better.
Water Memory suggests that when any remedy is diluted in water, the molecules of the original medicine don’t get scattered to lose the potency. Instead they clump together to form a bigger crystal with higher potency.
Potentization is another process that supports this popular dilution theory. It states that at each stage of dilution, the liquid is shaken vigorously (the process is also called succussion) to increase the potency of resultant liquid by transferring the essence to the solution.

Above stated and many more theories are backing the idea of homeopathy dilution theory and at the same time there are many questions that have remained unanswered. However, if the results are to be believed then one can safely say that homeopathy actually works, even when it is diluted beyond the understanding of modern science.
In conclusion if you are serious and committed to losing weight- our Diet Drops will give you the extra boost you need to achieve your weight loss goals.
We are committed to seeing you succeed in your weight loss goals!
[1] Dilution (and Concentration) Theory -
[2] Homeopathic dilutions -