The Nutra Pure Guarantee

We guarantee that our diet drops are manufactured and shipped from within the United States.

We guarantee to ship your order within 24 hours, so you will receive it in 3-5 business days.

Shipping in the US is FREE with optional Expedited Shipping.

You will receive a free copy of Dr. Simeons’ HCG Protocol for weight loss - Pounds and Inches

You will also receive a Quick Start Guide that explains how to successfully use Nutra Pure hCG

We provide phone & email support from 9:00AM to 5:00PM CST

Try Nutra Pure risk free with our 30-day money back guarantee. Get ready to lose some weight, and see the difference for yourself!

The Nutra Pure Guarantee

Nutra Pure Guarantee
  • We guarantee that our diet drops are manufactured and shipped from within the United States.
  • We guarantee to ship your order within 24 hours, so you will receive it in 3-5 business days.
  • Shipping in the US is FREE with optional Expedited Shipping.
  • You will receive a free copy of Dr. Simeons’ HCG Protocol for weight loss - Pounds and Inches
  • You will also receive a Quick Start Guide that explains how to successfully use Nutra Pure hCG
  • We provide phone & email support from 9:00AM to 5:00PM CST
Try Nutra Pure risk free with our 30-day money back guarantee. Get ready to lose some weight, and see the difference for yourself!

Nutra Pure HCG Drops: Your Best Choice

  • Safe & effective weight loss; up to a pound per day
  • Nutra Pure HCG complements your active lifestyle
  • Lose weight comfortably without going hungry
  • Efficiently burns fat while maintaining your energy level
  • Homeopathic HCG is proven effective & easy to use
  • Just take our hCG diet drops under your tongue
  • See what the experts & customers are saying about Nutra Pure HCG

Lose 1 to 2 lbs a Day With Nutra Pure hCG

*HCG, also called the "Pregnancy Hormone" is an acronym for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone produced during pregnancy.


Testimonials: With Before-After Photos

I Lost 44 pound
on the
45 days


Aimee Bertelli - As a child my weight was normal but over the years I started to gain weight and I have been a compulsive dieter for most of my adult life. I have tried the Atkins diet, the Paleo diet, the Keto diet and others. None of these ever gave me the results I was looking for. This cycle of constant dieting has been going on since I was 25 and I’m 47 now. About six months ago I was struggling on a low sugar diet cutting out sweets, breakfast cereal, ice cream, “white carbs” such as bread & potatoes, and most packaged foods. This approach was very difficult and a very slow process. I hardly lost any weight at all. During this time my 29 year old daughter became pregnant. She actually lost a few pounds during her first trimester. She has never been a very big eater but this really struck me as impossible. So I started doing some searching and learned about how HCG affects a woman during pregnancy. I came across Dr. Simeon’s story & eventually I found The information on this site for Nutra Pure HCG was very helpful. It gave me the full history of HCG, talked about homeopathics and of course about your product. What I learned was that my low sugar diet was causing my body to slow way down. It was trying to retain all my fat and conserve it rather than burn it to thrive right now. I learned that HCG would get my metabolism moving again. I have been taking HCG for a six weeks now & I’ve lost 44 pounds. I’m still following the diet I was already on but it has become much, much easier. I’m no longer hungry all the time and I’ve got my energy back. I absolutely love your product. Thank you so much.

Aimee Bertelli
I Lost 18 pound
on the
15 days


Angela Martinez - I’m a very recent customer but I’m so excited about what’s happening with taking HCG I just had to write now. I was skeptical about taking HCG so I started out slowly by purchasing the 15 Day Program. By the end of that small bottle of HCG I had lost 18 pounds! I’ve just ordered the 60 Day Program because I still have a long way to go to get to my best weight. I’m planning on giving the second 2oz bottle of HCG in the 60 Day Program to my mom. I’m sure she is going to do as well as me. She’s actually a little more careful about how and what she eats. We will share the recipes and go through this together. On behalf of me & my mom many thanks to Nutra Pure HCG.

Angela Martinez
I Lost 61 pound
on the
60 days


Peter Fisk - My issues started with managing diabetes before I ever thought about how my weight was affecting things. I was going on eating and drinking, having a great time of it until I got sick. My doctor put me on Metformin and the dosage was steadily going up over time. The side effects kept worsening and the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes were adding to my misery. Finally I started to listen to my doctor about my weight & how it was making this condition a lot worse. I weighed 239 pounds. My friend recommended trying HCG and much to my surprise it worked like crazy. I got down to 178 pounds over a two and a half month period. He guided me to the Nutra Pure HCG website and I never looked back. I love you guys! Keep on helping people.

peter fisk
I Lost 54 pound
on the
60 days


Stacy Lindquist - I have always been sort of overweight but during my first pregnancy I began to indulge in lots of snacking. I convinced myself that I needed more calories for the baby and it was OK to over eat. Instead of eating sensibly I was over doing it with close to 1000 additional calories a day. After giving birth to my beautiful daughter I continued to over eat and ended up a year later having gained a total of 45 pounds. My friend Angela told me about her success dieting with Nutra Pure HCG. I started with their 30 Day Program and lost 23 pounds in that first month. I think I could have lost more but chose to eat 850 to 1000 calories per day instead of the more strict 500 very low calorie diet. This was so easy for me that after taking a break for a few weeks I repeated their 30 Day Program. In the second round I was even more successful losing another 31 pounds. I feel like I’m completely in control of managing my weight now, thank you Nutra Pure for getting me on the right path of eating well and staying healthy.

Stacy Lindquist

How Does hCG Make You Lose Weight?

How to lose weight?

In order to understand how homeopathic HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) can help you lose weight let’s start with understanding HCG itself. The HCG hormone is produced by a woman’s body during pregnancy. In fact the detection of HCG in a woman’s urine is the determining factor in most home pregnancy tests. There is scientific evidence to prove that HCG causes a woman’s body to burn more fat for energy if nutrition levels are not sufficient to sustain both the mother and the growing fetus.

This was established by Dr. Simeon decades ago. He found that the presence of HCG will trigger the same fat burning effect in a person (read male or female) who is fasting or following a diet of calorie restriction, even when not pregnant. So how does one find HCG? As you might imagine producing the real HCG hormone and distributing it via prescription is an expensive proposition.

Nutra Pure is a homeopathic form of HCG. Homeopathy in health care is not well understood by consumers and the medical community in the United States, but they are quite commonplace in Europe and in India. Homeopathic remedies use one of two different techniques to emulate the properties of a substance. The traditional method is through a successive dilution process that yields a chemically neutral liquid that retains the key properties of the original hormone. The more modern method used to produce our Nutra Pure HCG is through electronic imprinting of HCG's properties onto a colloidal mineral water base.

As you read more about the Nutra Pure product you will easily see and understand the scientific basis for its effectiveness and unique qualities of our brand. Be sure to read these two articles HCG is Different & Why Homeopathic to learn more. We are very confident you will love this product and join the more than 25,000 satisfied customers who know its power to drive weight loss.

Compare Our Value

The Online shopper has many choices when looking for best diet products for weight loss or more specifically best hCG diet products. We work hard to bring you an electronically imprinted, homeopathic HCG drop that works better than any product you will find. To support that claim we have put together a comparison chart of popular hCG diets. Updated for Year 2022.

  Nutra Pure’s key value points compared with two of the more popular brands: HCG Triumph and HCG Complex  


Product Comparisons
Nutra Pure HCG
HCG Triumph
HCG Complex
Unique Attributes
Lose 1 to 2 lbs per day
Use it Longer: No loss of effectiveness over time
Increased Energy levels for physical activities
Increased dosage brings faster weight loss
No loading period if you cheat & eat
Customer Support
Full time phone support
Full time chat line
E-book recipes & Product Guide
Product Effectiveness
Liver Function: blood sugar regulation
Adrenal function: metabolize fat into energy
Thyroid Function: Optimize rate of metabolism
Product safety
Colloidal Mineral Water Base
Alcohol free
Trusted Brand
Thousands of satisfied customers
Less than 1% product returns
Full Money back Warranty
Basic Plan

Because of our unique product make up (see our Why Nutra Pure article on the About US tab) we have a number of great attributes for weight loss treatment not found in traditional HCG products. For example HCG is typically used for a maximum of 6 weeks after which the product becomes ineffective. This is not the case with Nutra Pure HCG. We have had particularly obese customers use the product for 120 to 150 days straight in order to lose more weight.

With our product you can also choose to lose weight more quickly simply by taking more drops each day. This will help accommodate a more active lifestyle and do a better job of controlling hunger and food cravings. Our product was designed by Dr. DL Hansen, who specializes in creating electronically imprinted homeopathic products (Ref: He has tweaked and improved this product over several years of clinical research in his own practice.

Are hCG Drops Safe for Losing Weight?

This is a question we hear quite often. The FDA mistakenly states that the HCG diet cannot be safe because it dictates a very low calorie diet of 500 calories per day and that you will become very malnourished. There are two very important responses to this misinformation: 1) If you choose to diet very aggressively by restricting calorie intake to 500 calories per day you are not “starving” yourself.

Read More
homeopathic HCG

How Much Can I Lose in 30 Days?

This is an interesting question for homeopathic HCG in general and Nutra Pure HCG more specifically. Homeopathic HCG allows you to lose weight rapidly if you follow the very low calorie diet, 500 cal./day. For our product that typically means you take 10 drops under your tongue 3 times per day. If you are an office worker sitting at your desk most of the day you may lose 25-30 pounds in thirty days.

Read More
hCG Diet Drops


From the blog

All About Homeopathic HCG Diet Drops!

Women Eating Vegetables To Lose Weight
posted By Nutra Pure HCG

The Truth Behind the Shred Diet

Woman mirror hyperglycemia controlling blood glucose level
posted By Nutra Pure HCG

The Glucose Goddess Method


Nutra Pure HCG Drops:Your Best Choice

  • Safe & effective weight loss; up to a pound per day
  • Nutra Pure HCG complements your active lifestyle
  • Lose weight comfortably without going hungry
  • Efficiently burns fat while maintaining your energy level
  • Homeopathic HCG is proven effective & easy to use
  • Just take our hCG diet drops under your tongue
  • See what the experts & customers are saying about Nutra Pure HCG
* HCG, also called the "Pregnancy Hormone" is an acronym for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone produced during pregnancy.
HCG Bottle

Testimonials: With Before-After Photos

Aimee Bertelli
I Lost 44 pounds
on the
45 day


Aimee Bertelli - As a child my weight was normal but over the years I started to gain weight and I have been a compulsive dieter for most of my adult life. I have tried supplements such as Atkins diet, Paleo diet, Keto diet and others. None of these ever gave me the results I was looking for. This cycle of constant dieting has been going on since I was 25 and I’m 47 now. About six months ago I was struggling on a low sugar diet cutting out sweets, breakfast cereal, ice cream, “white carbs” such as bread & potatoes, and most packaged foods. This approach was very difficult and a very slow process. I hardly lost any weight at all. During this time my 29 year old daughter became pregnant. She actually lost a few pounds during her first trimester. She has never been a very big eater but this really struck me as impossible. So I started doing some searching and learned about how HCG affects a woman during pregnancy. I came across Dr. Simeon’s story & eventually I found The information on this site for Nutra Pure HCG was very helpful. It gave me the full history of HCG, talked about homeopathics and of course about your product. What I learned was that my low sugar diet was causing my body to slow way down. It was trying to retain all my fat and conserve it rather than burn it to thrive right now. I learned that HCG would get my metabolism moving again. I have been taking HCG for a six weeks now & I’ve lost 44 pounds. I’m still following the diet I was already on but it has become much, much easier. I’m no longer hungry all the time and I’ve got my energy back. I absolutely love your product. Thank you so much.

Angela Martinez
I Lost 18 pounds
on the
15 day


Angela Martinez - I’m a very recent customer but I’m so excited about what’s happening with taking HCG I just had to write now. I was skeptical about taking HCG so I started out slowly by purchasing the 15 Day Program. By the end of that small bottle of HCG I had lost 18 pounds! I’ve just ordered the 60 Day Program because I still have a long way to go to get to my best weight. I’m planning on giving the second 2oz bottle of HCG in the 60 Day Program to my mom. I’m sure she is going to do as well as me. She’s actually a little more careful about how and what she eats. We will share the recipes and go through this together. On behalf of me & my mom many thanks to Nutra Pure HCG.

Peter Fisk
I Lost 61 pounds
on the
60 day


Peter Fisk - My issues started with managing diabetes before I ever thought about how my obesity was affecting things. I was going on eating and drinking, having a great time of it until I got sick. My doctor put me on Metformin and the dosage was steadily going up over time. The side effects kept worsening and the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes were adding to my misery. Finally I started to listen to my doctor about my weight & how it was making this condition a lot worse. I weighed 239 pounds. My friend recommended trying HCG and much to my surprise it worked like crazy. I got down to 178 pounds over a two and a half month period. He guided me to the Nutra Pure HCG website and I never looked back. I love you guys! Keep on helping people.

Stacy Lindquist
I Lost 54 pounds
on the
60 day


Stacy Lindquist - I have always been sort of overweight but during my first pregnancy I began to indulge in lots of snacking. I convinced myself that I needed more calories for the baby and it was OK to over eat. Instead of eating sensibly I was over doing it with close to 1000 additional calories a day. After giving birth to my beautiful daughter I continued to over eat and ended up a year later having gained a total of 45 pounds. My friend Angela told me about her success dieting with Nutra Pure HCG. I started with their 30 Day Program and lost 23 pounds in that first month. I think I could have lost more but chose to eat 850 to 1000 calories per day instead of the more strict 500 very low calorie diet. This was so easy for me that after taking a break for a few weeks I repeated their 30 Day Program. In the second round I was even more successful losing another 31 pounds. I feel like I’m completely in control of managing my obesity now, thank you Nutra Pure for getting me on the right path of eating well and staying healthy.

How Does hCG Make You Lose Weight?

How to lose weight?

In order to understand how homeopathic HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) can help you lose weight let’s start with understanding HCG itself. The HCG hormone is produced by a woman’s body during pregnancy. In fact the detection of HCG in a woman’s urine is the determining factor in most home pregnancy tests. There is scientific evidence to prove that HCG causes a woman’s body to burn more fat for energy if nutrition levels are not sufficient to sustain both the mother and the growing fetus.

This was established by Dr. Simeon decades ago. He found that the presence of HCG will trigger the same fat burning effect in a person (read male or female) who is fasting or following a diet of calorie restriction, even when not pregnant. So how does one find HCG? As you might imagine producing the real HCG hormone and distributing it via prescription is an expensive proposition.

Nutra Pure is a homeopathic form of HCG. Homeopathy in health care is not well understood by consumers and the medical community in the United States, but they are quite commonplace in Europe and in India. Homeopathic remedies use one of two different techniques to emulate the properties of a substance. The traditional method is through a successive dilution process that yields a chemically neutral liquid that retains the key properties of the original hormone. The more modern method used to produce our Nutra Pure HCG is through electronic imprinting of HCG's properties onto a colloidal mineral water base.

As you read more about the Nutra Pure product you will easily see and understand the scientific basis for its effectiveness and unique qualities of our brand. Be sure to read these two articles HCG is Different & Why Homeopathic to learn more. We are very confident you will love this product and join the more than 25,000 satisfied customers who know its power to drive weight loss.

Compare Our Value

The Online shopper has many choices when looking for best diet products for weight loss or more specifically best HCG diet products. We work hard to bring you an electronically imprinted, homeopathic HCG that works better than any product you will find. To support that claim we have put together a comparison chart of popular hCG diets. Updated for year 2022.

double quote      Nutra Pure’s key value points compared with two of the more popular brands: HCG Triumph and HCG Complex       double quote

Product Comparisons
Nutra Pure HCG
HCG Triumph
HCG Complex
Unique Attributes
Lose 1 to 2 lbs per day
Use it Longer: No loss of effectiveness over time
Increased Energy levels for physical activities
Increased dosage brings faster weight loss
No loading period if you cheat & eat
Customer Support
Full time phone support
Full time chat line
E-book recipes & Product Guide
Product Effectiveness
Liver Function: blood sugar regulation
Adrenal function: metabolize fat into energy
Thyroid Function: Optimize rate of metabolism
Product safety
Colloidal Mineral Water Base
Alcohol free
Trusted Brand
Thousands of satisfied customers
Less than 1% product returns
Full Money back Warranty
Basic Plan

Because of our unique product make up (see our Why Nutra Pure article on the About US tab) we have a number of great attributes for weight loss treatment not found in traditional HCG products. For example HCG is typically used for a maximum of 6 weeks after which the product becomes ineffective. This is not the case with Nutra Pure HCG. We have had particularly obese customers use the product for 120 to 150 days straight in order to lose more weight.

With our product you can also choose to lose weight more quickly simply by taking more drops each day. This will help accommodate a more active lifestyle and do a better job of controlling hunger and food cravings. Our product was designed by Dr. DL Hansen, who specializes in creating electronically imprinted homeopathic products. He has tweaked and improved this product over several years of clinical research in his own practice.

Why hcg

Are hCG Drops Safe for Losing Weight?

This is a question we hear quite often. The FDA mistakenly states that the HCG diet cannot be safe because it dictates a very low calorie diet of 500 calories per day and that you will become very malnourished. There are two very important responses to this misinformation: 1) If you choose to diet very aggressively by restricting calorie intake to 500 calories per day you are not “starving” yourself.

What HCG

How Much Can I Lose in 30 Days?

This is an interesting question for homeopathic HCG in general and Nutra Pure HCG more specifically. Homeopathic HCG allows you to lose weight rapidly if you follow the very low calorie diet, 500 cal./day. For our product that typically means you take 10 drops under your tongue 3 times per day. If you are an office worker sitting at your desk most of the day you may lose 25-30 pounds in thirty days.

From the blog

All About Homeopathic HCG Diet Drops!

Women Eating Vegetables To Lose Weight
posted By Nutra Pure HCG

The Truth Behind the Shred Diet

woman mirror hyperglycemia controlling blood glucose level
posted By Nutra Pure HCG

The Glucose Goddess Method

Nutra Pure hCG Reviews and Comments ★★★★★ (4.7) 10 Reviews
★★★★★ (4.7) 10 Reviews
Write a Review
Happy with Nutra Pure
By Robert Mathias
I have managed to reduce 10 pounds in just a week already!
I Lost 55 pound on the 60 days Challenge
By Katie
My name is Katie and I have been struggling with weightloss my entire life. I tried working out, other weight loss products and nothing seemed to work. I would lose a few pounds but then gain it right back. I decided to order a bottle of hcg diet drops and lost 55 pounds! The diet was easy to follow and Customer service was great with helping answering any questions I had. I feel great and so happy I lost the weight and kept it off! Thank you for changing my life!
I Lost 40 pounds on the 60 day Challenge
By Isaac
Just wanted to say thanks. I've been overweight for about 15 years. I've tried exercise plans and low-carb dieting, miracle pills, shake meal plans, nutrisystem, portion control, etc Of course nothing worked-and if it did (10 lbs max), the weight never stayed off. I had to dig up a before pic because I didn't take one. I honestly didn't think this program would work. I'm down 40 pounds and maintaining finally-using the hcg protocol and your drops.
Great Product
By Tony
I lost 24 pounds in 6 weeks. I figured out that I could ease hunger by taking more drops. Just thought you would like to know.
LOVE This Program
By Mjmease
I LOVE this program and will work hard to MAINTAIN! I consider this a lifelong CHANGE!!! I have been recommending hCG to anyone who is interested. I WILL do and re-do this program as often as necessary...I PLAN to work hard at Phase 3 and beyond! I WILL SUCCEED!!! You can tell I AM highly MOTIVATED!!! :):)
Lost 25 pounds
By Kwall3
I have lost 25 pounds and my dad has lost almost 40. I am buying HCG for him also.
Lost 55lbs - 60 Day Program
By Culps
It's a great product, and I have many friends and family commenting on my results. I lost 55lbs on the 60 day program eating 700 cal per day.
Lost almost 15 pounds in 3 weeks
By Amy T
I’m happy with every part of HCG. I lost almost 15 pounds and I did this in a little over 3 weeks; a success!!
I'm Totally Sold
By Anthony Mendez
I took Nutra Pure HCG faithfully for 7 weeks and had great success with it. I lost 60 pounds. I found the recipes on their blog to be very helpful and I have used many of those ideas about proper nutrition to maintain my lower weight. I constantly telling everyone I know about Nutra Pure.
Just Getting Going
By Angela Martinez
I’m a very recent customer but I’m so excited about what’s happening with taking HCG I just had to write now. I was skeptical about taking HCG so I started out slowly by purchasing the 15 Day Program. By the end of that small bottle of HCG I had lost 18 pounds! I’ve just ordered the 60 Day Program because I still have a long way to go to get to my best weight.